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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Motley Crew - redux.

Tim Horton's for a Donut Fix:

The Butterfly Conservatory - brilliant!

Sigh. I know, I know, MORE group pictures.
It proves we are a social group, even if my siblings are actually only together an average of once every 5 years...also, I would like to add that Tim Horton's really needs to hire themselves an interior decorator - or at least jaunt down to the local Starving Artist Sale and slap a few paintings on the wall....what's with the health code as framed artwork?

Spring Gives Way...

Spring sprung here with the arrival of the daffodils - their green stems pushing up through a late snow or two and their gorgeous yellow blossoms scattered across our front lawn. I'm not sure who might have planted the daffodils, or how long ago that might have been, but they were such a welcome sight after this crap winter we'd had, that I have vowed, this fall, to plant happy-bringing bulbs of my own around the place. There is simply nothing to compare to the feeling of spring flowers appearing - how can spring NOT be the best season of all?

That said, the daffodils are now departing the scene, and we have actual leaves on actual trees here, and actual grass that is in desperate need of mowing (oh,hey, THAT'S what I didn't like about summer...I'm starting to remember, now...). Also? Summer? Means ticks. Voracious, sneaky, underhanded, disease-ridden ticks. They're baaaaack.
Frankly, I think I prefer lingering in daffodil season just a tad longer....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Firstest Bestest Trinket (with apologies to my English teachers over the years...)

My first-est, best-est trinket is this picture of my folks - with the urchins - from last Christmas. Yes, the lighting was bad, the image is grainy and some of us have expressions even Norman Rockwell wouldn't care to capture, but *I* think it is wonderful.