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Monday, August 22, 2011

Kindergarten, and first grade. Started today. First time for ANYBODY to take a school bus. First time for ANYBODY to spend an entire FREAKING day at school. First time for Muma to say "bye bye" to a school bus with some strange old dude driving away with her three precious sweet babies on it. GAHHHHHHHHHHH.

Still calm and composed...waiting...waiting at the end of the lane way....
Look! The bus! Here it is!

I am about to put the Three Most Important Human Beings in The Entire World on some giant yellow tin-can on wheels with no car-seats, no seat-belts, and driven by a man I have never met. Suddenly, this allllll seems like a Very Bad Idea. (Reminds me of this one time at a Dead show....but I digress....)

And then, they hopped on, waved merrily good-bye, and it seemed terribly terribly quiet on the homestead.

The good news is, they returned safe and sound and exhausted at the end of the day...and they tell me they want to do it again, tomorrow!

But I keep reminding them...My babies will always be my babies, no matter how many buses they ride...

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